Lauren Conrad Read more celebrity

In this celebrity fashion face-off, Gingham gets a cool update with open necklines, colored backgrounds and skinny jean bottoms. It seems that Ashlee Simpson, Reese Witherspoon and Lauren Conrad have already caught on ...
Who looks hottest, Ashlee, Reese or LC?

This Why They’re Hot: Pregnancy Edition – Halle Berry & Jennifer Lopez

Only one of these women are claiming to be pregnant, the other one is just gaining a lot of weight in the belly, and wearing maternity like clothing. We all know you are pregnant JLo, the gig is up, so please just confirm the rumors so the paparazzi can leave you alone. I don’t understand why someone would hide such a blessing from God, but maybe that’s just my opinion. Anyway, they both look beautiful and wear pregnancy well.
halle jlo This Why Theyre Hot: Pregnancy Edition   Halle Berry & Jennifer Lopez
halle jlo2 This Why Theyre Hot: Pregnancy Edition   Halle Berry & Jennifer Lopez

Celebrities And Their Fashion Mistakes

Celebrities And Their Fashion Mistakes 1

Usher & Tameka Raymond Baby Shopping

This couple is growing on me, maybe it’s the baby or maybe it’s because they look a like. I’m not sure but they seem happy. Usher goes shopping for baby clothes on his 29th birthday with his wife Tameka.
usher tameka shopping Usher & Tameka Raymond Baby Shopping
usher tameka shopping2 Usher & Tameka Raymond Baby Shopping

Best Dressed of the Day: Cate Blanchett, Christina Milian, Liv Tyler or Taylor Momsen?

celebrity fashion Best Dressed of the Day: Cate Blanchett, Christina Milian, Liv Tyler or Taylor Momsen?
One of these glamorously dressed ladies looks like a Fashion Criminal to us. At least one other is deserving of a Fashion Police badge for good behaviour. What we want to know is whether you share our thoughts on these fine celebrities, which is why we’re asking once again: who was the best dressed of the day?
Was it Cate Blanchett, in her metallic gown, Christina Milian, who looks like she’s already won some kind of medal, a newly single and slightly gothic looking Liv Tyler, or did little Jenny Humphrey, aka Taylor Momsen float The Fashion Police boat? And which is the fashion criminal?
Look under the jump for bigger pictures of the celebrities, and a poll which will help us decide who was the best dressed of the day!
celebrity fashion 2 Best Dressed of the Day: Cate Blanchett, Christina Milian, Liv Tyler or Taylor Momsen?
Cate Blanchett, Christina Milian
celebrity fashion 3 Best Dressed of the Day: Cate Blanchett, Christina Milian, Liv Tyler or Taylor Momsen?
Liv Tyler, Taylor Momsen

Fashion Grail Guest Blog Post Kate Bosworth Celebrity Redo

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Celebrity Redo: Kate Bosworth
Here’s the deal: It’s not that I don’t like Kate Bosworth’s look (it is kinda Bohemian cool), it’s just that the colors don’t do anything for her and it definitely would not be my first choice for Summer wear.  I can see someone wearing booties with a Summer dress, but Kate’s wearing a tee, vest, scarf and booties.  For the redo, I decided to swap out the gray tee for a white tank and instead of the booties I added a pair of woven platforms.  The pieces I chose will allow you to easily mix and match them with other  Summer essentials (like the tank with shorts or the vest with dresses).
Silence and Noise Silk Jacquard Skirt - $58 at Woven platforms - $29.99 at Sunglasses - $5.80 at Lace Trim Racerback Tank - $7.99 at Rose Square Scarf - $19.99 at Cropped Denim Vest - $31.50 at Max and Chloe Bamboo Bangle Set - $15 at Cross-Body Handbag - $24 at Kohls.

More Celebrity Fashion Flops

More Celebrity Fashion Flops
Despite having loads of money and access to the world's best fashion designers many celebrities still end up looking like bag ladies.
Check out this website for a look at some truly horrendous celebrity fashion flops and have a good laugh.
Here's another look at some questionable celebrity fashion choices.
That site is different in that it's interactive; you get to choose who you think would look best in the various outfits. Try it and have some fun.

Jason Lewis

A top fashion model turned actor, Jason Lewis is from Southern California. As a teenager, he was determined to get out and see the world. He had to work hard in order to do so, working for a plumbing contractor, and 55 hours a week as a waiter in a restaurant. In June of 1993, when finally he had enough money collected, he went to Paris at the suggestion of a model scout who thought he would do great in the modeling industry. Jason did a little modeling and was soon on his way to Milan, where he was adored by the fashion industry there. He is currently signed to Wilhelmina Models, Inc.
He had done a guest stint on “Beverly Hills, 90210″ (1990), and was a recent addition to the cast of “Sex and the City” (1998).

Twilight: Taylor Lautner » taylor-lautner-cfda-fashion-04-701×1024

People magazine’s parade of celebrity man purses

Ever wonder which celebrities are wearing which man purses? Ever wonder what random internet poll-clickers think of them?
Terrence Howard and Man Purse
AOL’s Entertainment News (“from People magazine”) is happy to help, by featuring a virtual man-purse fashion show: five photos of male celebrities and their bags. And readers get to vote: are the man bags hot or not?
Trotted out first, of course, is Terrence Howard, still making waves with his $15,000 man purse.
Robert Downey Jr. and Man Purse
And then there’s the curious spectacle of Robert Downey Jr., whose man purse seems less calculated to gather attention than the rest of his odd outfit, which includes a plaid hat and a striped sportcoat. Doesn’t he know stripes like that cause moire patterns in digital photos?
Kanye West and Man Purse
Yes, most of the votes are against the man purses. But there’s also a strange effect at work here. Those sly editors at People stacked the deck by arranging their purse pix from the absurd to the not-so-absurd. So that (as of this writing) fewer than a quarter of voters think Howard’s and Downey’s bags look good, and maybe only a few more like Kanye West’s dangling Louis Vuitton coin purse — but the numbers keep rising for each successive celebrity.
Seal and Man Purse
There are a few more votes for Seal (maybe because he’s glaring at the camera, daring you to say something bad about it), and then — what?
Hugh Jackman and Man Purse
Hugh Jackman’s floppy shoulder bag gets a whopping 66 percent vote of approval. There’s nothing extraordinary about it, except maybe its placement after a series of slightly less conservative bags. The photo even shows he’s got what looks like a cell-phone holder awkwardly attached to the bag strap (maybe it’s clipped to his pants right above his groin, we can’t tell).
By the time they’ve seen photo after photo of man purses, most AOL voters, it seems, are convinced that . . . well, at least one is acceptable. Familiarity breeds some sort of public acceptance — at last.

Fashion News - Week in Review: Victoria Beckham is Pregnant, Gwen Stefani for L'Oreal, Rachel Zoe Collection Unveiled, and More

Photos: Stephen Sullivan, Women's Wear Daily | Courtesy of L'Oreal Paris | LEON NEAL/AFP/Getty Images
If you slept on your fashion news this week, no worries. We'll catch you up, below.

-There's one less baby bump to watch thanks to Miranda Kerr welcoming her first genetically superior baby into the world. Surprisingly, the little boy weighed in at nearly 10 lbs. [The Cut]

-But, wait! There are also two new pregnant celebrities. Both model Devon Aoki and Victoria Beckham announced they are expecting this week. [StyleList]

-Preggers stylist Rachel Zoe showed off her newest delivery in the form of the Rachel Zoe apparel collection and she's already caused a little controversy about some vintage "inspiration." [StyleList]

-Pictures of an old Playboy shoot featuring curvaceous Mad Men star Christina Hendricks hit the web. Thankfully, she kept her clothes on. [StyleList]

-Contrary to popular belief, Miss Piggy will actually be the next editor of French Vogue. Or at least she's playing the role in the new Muppets Movie out later this year. Who else is over-the-top excited?! [StyleList]

-Katie Holmes is the new face of Ann Taylor and she looks adorable in the ads. [StyleList]

-Meanwhile, it's just been announced that hot mama Gwen Stefani is the new face of L'Oreal Paris. Naturally for the lipstick-loving singer/designer, she'll be promoting the brand's Infallible Le Rouge Lip Color. [StyleList]

-Rihanna tweeted about shooting a Vogue cover: "Just wrapped my first American Vogue cover shoot with Annie Leibovitz ... Rah! #SEXY." Then promptly deleted the tweet. [The Cut]

-Kate Middleton lit up the blogosphere for wearing black to a wedding. (Gasp). Also, for possibly being too thing. (Double gasp). [StyleList]

-Funny man Simon Doonan is no longer Barneys Creative Director, but he will remain with the company as "Creative Ambassador-At-Large." Phew. Our holiday window enthusiasm should still be intact. [StyleList]
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